


Twitter with #chimiométrie


- 2020, October 15 to 16, CheMoocs and ChemFlow Training (45 participants) with INRAE Transform Scientific Department
- 2020, September 30 to December 1, courses and exercises on free online chemometry, Chemometry, chapter 1/2: unsupervised methods on the FUN platform (

- 2020, 10 juin, rencontre avec l'ISDM, institut des sciences des données de Montpellier : 2020-06-10_ChemFlow_IDSM
- 2020, February 3 to April 19, courses and exercises on free online chemometry, Chemometry, chapter 2/2: the methods supervised on the FUN platform (


- 2019, September 30 to December 1, courses and exercises on free online chemometry, Chemometry, chapter 1/2: unsupervised methods on the FUN platform (
- 2019, February 4 to April 7, courses and exercises on free online chemometry, Chemometrics, chapter 2/2: the methods supervised on the FUN platform (
- 2019, March 25, CEPIA metaseminar program March 26-28 at Massy - Agro Paris Tech: 2019_ChemHouse_poster_INRA
- 2019, May 27-28, 4th meetings of the national network INRA NIRS will take place in Lusignan: 2019_ChemHouse_poster_INRA


- 2018, October 1 to December 2, courses and exercises on free online chemometry, Chemometry, chapter 1/2: unsupervised methods on the FUN platform (
- 2018, November 8, at the 19th HelioSPIR Meetings in Montpellier: 20181108_HelioSpir_ChemHouse_presentation
- 2018, October 10, at J2M (Days of Measurement and Metrology) on the island of Oléron: 20181010_J2M_CheMOOCs.pdf (0.6MB) presentation


- 2017, November 2 to 28, at the Cafeteria of Château de La Gaillarde, Exhibition "Awareness of modeling at INRA"
- 2017, October 2 to December 5, courses and exercises on free online chemometry, Chemoocs Basic and Advanced on the FUN platform (
- 2017, September 30, on the occasion of adopting a MOOC, a presentation of the mooc chemoocs in 180s at the library of sciences and industry in Paris
- 2017, July 4-7 (in French), JDEV, Software Development Days in Marseilles: brief summary 4 lines + poster
- 2017, June 26 to 30 (in English), GCC, Galaxy Community Conference in Montpellier: chemflow poster in English
- 2017, May 29 to June 2 (in French), JDS, Days of Statistics in Avignon: 4-page description + presentation
- 2017, March 20 seminar at the INRA LBE unit in Narbonne, March 20: review of chemoocs
- 2017, February 28 GA of CATI-CODEX INRA
- 2017, January 30 to February 1 (in French), Chemometrics Congress in Paris: one page summary + presentation


- 2016, June 25 to 29 (in English), GCC, Galaxy Community Conference in Bloomington in the United States : [[ ]]

Presentation reference :

From September 12 to December 6, 2016, free online chemometry courses and exercises, CheMoocs on the FUN platform (

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 29 April 2020 | By: ChemHouse