

L'équipe de ChemFlow

  • VIRGINIE ROSSARD: Assistant Engineer at INRAE at the LBE, Laboratory for Environmental Biotechnology in Narbonne. Virginie Rossard, software engineering assistant, develops scientific software applications and databases. She participated in the development of ChemFlow. ORCID: 0000-0002-5484-823X
  • JEAN-CLAUDE BOULET: Research engineer at INRAE in Montpellier, UMR1083 Sciences Pour l'Oenologie. Jean-Claude Boulet is responsible for chemometry for the Polyphenols platform. He is the bearer of the CheMoocs project. ORCID : 0000-0002-8569-3007
  • ERIC LATRILLE: Research engineer at INRAE at the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology in Narbonne. Eric Latrille develops applications for processing scientific data. He participated in the development of ChemFlow. ORCID: 0000-0003-1717-1968
  • JEAN-MICHEL ROGER: IPEF engineer at INRAE in Montpellier, UMR ITAP. Jean-Michel Roger is a specialist in robustness of calibrations. He is a member of the GFC and the International Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy, winner of the 2016 Tomas Hirschfeld Prize. He is the leader of the CheMoocs project. ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-5266
  • MARTIN ECARNOT: Study engineer at INRAE Montpellier, UMR1334 AGAP, Ge²Pop team. Martin Ecarnot is developing phenotyping methods using near infrared spectrometry and hyperspectral imaging on plant material. ORCID :
  • FABIEN GOGE: Engineer at INRAE in Rennes. Fabien Gogé is a chemometrician and developer of applications for processing scientific data. He participated in the development of ChemFlow.

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 29 April 2020 | By: ChemHouse